a day in the life of an artist
I’ve always seemingly been reluctlant to find a way for my words, and thoughts to be free. Meaning, music has always been a vehichle for me to express myself, however I’ve been in a space recently where I’ve been attempting to expand the ways that I challenge myself in my art, and equally in my life.
The relationship that I have with my alto horn has fostered a majority of the relationships that have built me, and that I cherish dearly. In addition, this relationship with my horn has taught me how to learn and listen.
Today is Mother’s Day on the social calendar, but for me Mother’s Day is everyday hence why you will see my mother, and baby Logan on the cover of my most recent album Holy Water. I love my mother very much, and my life is lived in testament to her.
Usually when I’m at home i’m working in my studio on new music, or new music for fun. Its always fun, haha.. Anyway, I’m working on some very special projects right now amidst the projects that are getting ready to be released.
Today is a special day as is every day that God wakes me up, and allows be to breath, and function as is normal for me. I thank God for the wealth of life, and for the constant protection over me, and my family.
Recently, I’ve been working on some very interesting projects that I hope to share with you very soon. The art, and expression must be guarded by iron clad business practices, and I’ve been developing an efficient method of doing so for myself, and the community of artists whom are in need of this resource.
I’ve always realized how vital the relationship is between me and my community, however i’m not certain that I’ve been up to par in creating the proper platform for us to commune until now. It is so important to me that we get to be deeper with one another, and find a way to not only break bread digitally, but physically as well.
We have been working on some new designs for the merchandise, and apparel in the shop, in addition I’ve been organizing some bootleg recordings throughout the last several years and soon I will make it available to the members in my new subscription service.
I thank you for rocking with me, and stay close as there will be many updates, and general newness coming on the site this is my true digital space here at ilogan.space.
You can follow me on the social networks by clicking any of the icons or links throughout the website. Sending love and blessings to you, and your loved ones.